Renowned filmmaker Sachin Gupta, recipient of the prestigious Natya Bhushan Award, embarks on an exhilarating venture as he directs a captivating music album set to enthral audiences worldwide. Collaborating with emerging talent Himanshu Goel, known for his remarkable work in Sachin’s acclaimed short film “Mahamrityunjay” alongside the versatile Vidya Malavade, this music album promises to be a testament to creativity and innovation in the music industry.
Expressing his admiration for Himanshu’s dedication and artistic flair, Sachin emphasizes the actor’s unwavering commitment to cinematic excellence. Set against the vibrant backdrop of Mumbai, the shoot is slated for this month, with the album’s much-anticipated release scheduled for the first week of May.
Featuring the musical prowess of the incredibly talented Abhishek Chavan, whose contributions elevate the project to new heights, this collaboration marks yet another milestone in Sachin’s illustrious career, following the success of his previous feature films “Paranthe Wali Gali ” and “Pakhi.”
Recently, Himanshu Goel gained widespread acclaim for his collaboration with the rising sensation Riva Arora, further solidifying his status as a multifaceted artist.