Renowned author Gurpreet Singh GP has released an important new book titled “Pratigami Sandeh se Creativetam Pashwaran Ki Or” in Punjabi and “Pratigami Sandeh Se Pratigami Sandeh Se Creativetam Paswar Ki Or” in Hindi. The book aims to provide comprehensive answers to various uncertainties surrounding Sikh Gurus and their historical background.
Gurpreet Singh GP recognized the lack of quality Sikhism literature in Hindi and expressed his motivation for writing the book, stating, “During the Kisan Andolan, I noticed a growing interest in Sikhism among Hindi-speaking individuals. However, there is a dearth of good Hindi books to help them learn more and deepen their connection with the faith. This book is my sincere attempt to bridge that gap.”
Addressing doubts raised by intellectuals over the years about Sikh history and scriptures, the book tackles sensitive topics, including why not all Sikh Gurus come from the Khatri caste, considered a backward caste. The author dismisses these questions as distractions that hinder the exploration of human sovereignty, stressing their lack of theoretical validity and historical understanding. The book is divided into four parts, covering theoretical aspects, social and cultural perspectives, historical context, and the author’s own insights.
This book offers a unique analysis of Dalit literature through the lens of Gurbani, presenting novel perspectives on Dalit thought. The author presented the first copy of the Hindi edition to Giani Harpreet Singh Ji, Jathedar Akal Takht, during a ceremony in Bahrain on May 1.
The book is now available for purchase on popular platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, and the White Falcon Publisher’s website.